Abstract Instructions

Instructionsf for Abstracts

  • Late abstract submission February 20th to 25th, 2024
    (Late abstracts will not be considered for oral presentation).
  • Only abstracts in English will be accepted.
  • The Scientific Committee will select six abstracts to be presented as oral communication.
  • Only one abstract is allowed per registration.
  • Payment must be confirmed before abstract submission. Please pay attention to the abstract submission deadline.
  • Every presenting author must keep the authorization of all other authors agreeing with the content of the abstract. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to request this document if necessary.
  • Abstracts that do not involve pharmacometrics will not be accepted. For instance, research related to the development and validation of analytical methodologies will not be considered.
  • Abstract acceptance will be based on quality of content, good writing and format in accordance with the instructions. Abstracts can be accepted, rejected or eventually accepted after correction. In the latter case, the author will receive the request for revision and should make the corrections within 7 (seven) days after notification by e-mail. Abstract not revised in 7 (seven) days will be rejected.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published at Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Químico-Farmacéuticas. (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/rccquhttps://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/rccquifaifa)

Abstract format

The abstract must be written in the template provided here  and should be submitted as .pdf file.

The abstract should be written in Times News Roman 12 and composed of the following parts:

1. Title: in bold and capital letters up to 25 words (except scientific names that should be presented in scientific notation).

2. Authors: complete names in italic letter (Example: Camila Andrea Hernández1, Diana Olivera2). Please underline the name of the presenting author.

3. Affiliation: should be presented in the following order: Department or Faculty or Graduate Program, University, City, State, Country. Indicate the institution of each author and differentiate the author’s institutions using numbers. (Example: 1Pharmacy Graduate Program, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; 2Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Santos, São Paulo, SP, Brazil).

4. The body of the abstracts with no more than 250 words containing (without subheadings) introduction, description of the methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references.

5. References must be cited in the text by numbers in square brackets and listed at the end of the abstract body as: first author last name et al., journal title in italic, volume in bold, first page, year. (Example: Oliveira J. et al., Journal of Pharmacometrics 30, 456, 2019).

6. The abstract should not include figures, tables or chemical structures.

7. All abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in the text. Do not define abbreviations in the title.

8. Ethical approval: results related to study in animals or humans MUST indicate the ethical committee responsible for the approval and present the number of the protocol/project approved.

9. Financial Support from agencies MUST be presented, when applicable.

10. Acknowledgments must be present (when pertinent).